Sunday, November 16, 2008

Would This Work Today?

I wonder if this would work today to solve a modern issue. It doesn't really seem like it would. In the book there a strong unity between men and women. And like I said earlier the men just seem really loyal to their wives. Whereas today this would probably not be the case. It would be very hard to get all the women to take the idea seriously and really participate. And if even one or two women did not stick to the plan they could ruin it for everyone because the men would have a way to get what they wanted without giving into the women. It just doesn't seem likely that all the women would actually participate and that the men would actually not cheat. However I still think that women do have the power to do something like this individually, and that women have the power to get what they want through other means. Just maybe not this way. I dont know. Maybe someone else would argue differently but thats what I think.


J. Braga said...

I was wondering the same thing as this issue was brought up in our journal entries. I do not think the idea of abstaining from sex would work for wars in modern day, like the war in Iraq. Though men in today's society may also be interested in sex, I do not think they would ever go to the extent of putting down their weapons in order to return home to their wives for sex. I think today's men are too interested in standing up and protecting their country. It just seems odd to think that the women in today's world would propose an oath like the women in “Lysistrata” anyways.

mayayayaya said...

I also addressed this issue in one of my blogs and I agree with you in that I don't believe that this abstinence plan would work today. You make a really good point though, that women would have the power to accomplish something somewhat similar to the women of Lysistrata on a individual basis. I do not doubt that still today women use sex (or the refusal thereof) as a means to gain power.