Sunday, November 16, 2008


I really enjoyed this play! In contrast to the other plays it really showed the power of women, and how they are not completely dependent on men. I liked the new twist where the men were the desperate ones instead of the women :). The play really shows how unity and coming together to reach a common goal really works. It is shown through the women achieving what they wanted as well as in the end where the men realize they are all the same and going through the same thing and can look past their differences to get what they want. Im not sure if the men truly did it because they love their wives or because they really love sex but its clear that they do have love for their wives either way so I guess it doesn't matter what the motive for piece really was as long as it was accomplished.
This was a really good book to me it was funny and entertaining. And I think it has a really good moral that you can relate to any current event. I shows that people can come together and solve a problem. And it shows that you should never underestimate the power of a woman! Good story.


J. Braga said...

I also thoroughly enjoyed the "Lysistrata" compared to the other plays. This play really showed the strength and power of the women opposed to the repression and lack of women's strength in the other plays. Also, this play did not in tragedy like the other plays, which is another reason why I like this play more.

mayayayaya said...

I also enjoyed this play. However, I wish we would've had a list of all of the puns or something because I felt that I missed a lot of them and the majority that I did recognize were difficult to understand at first. I feel that if I knew all of the puns I would better be able to enjoy the play and Aristophanes' intention in including so many puns. I was also confused a lot by the interactions between the two choruses and the Koryphaios'.