Sunday, November 16, 2008

"War" of the Sexes

This seems to be one of the main themes of the play right? Well I was just thinking to myself how ironic this really is. I mean the play is to end a war and the way that this goal is reached is by creating two seperates "forces" or "armys" of men and women. So in order to end the "war" with their wives the men have to end the other actual war that they are fighting. I don't know it just seemed funny to me that the theme had the word war in it because if you look at it that way it just becomes kind of ironic. There is a war created to end another war. Even though obviously the war the women create is not about using actual weapons or killing or anything. They use their own weapon to hurt the men emotionally until they give in. Just an interesting thought I had on how ironic that can be if you look at it that way LOL.


Muhca said...

lol, yea, they end a war by starting a war.... good point, but i still think that they only used that as an excuse to gain equality among the men... :)

Rashad Morris said...

Yeah clever discovery. I never seen it in that way. The war between the women and men, and the actual war that the men are fightn this is a great connection . i have truly been enlighten.

mayayayaya said...

This is a really interesting point! I definitely never noticed this before but I'm glad you brought it up! You make a good point that the women don't use violence however because I think that is the biggest and most important difference between the two wars.